Monday, January 3, 2011

The Dream Girl

An Elusive Elegance

It clicked in time as it was destined,
Emotions provoked in the ambience, so pristine.

The vibrant breeze collided with her soft silk,
Unveiling a visage which was a perfect kill.

Such was the power of her mystique smile,
Even the spring will hesitate to come, for a while.
What to say about the depression on her chin?
I lost before I could think of a win.

So elegant was her gentle gait,
That I was bewildered to see her exceptional trait.

Walking on the carpet of spring petals,
She was shining like an aurum metal.

Hardly has she approached me when my face started gleaming,
And the clouds of umpteen aspirations began raining.

I closed my eyes to ward off every bad omen,
But it was a murky room with my eyes wide open.

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