Saturday, April 23, 2011

India and It's Stinking Values

When nature conceives, it reproduces majestically,
Whether male or female, it nurtures equally.

When a lady conceives, a question starts to hound!
Male or female, that is why? An Ultrasound!

The result gives us an option,
Retain or just go for an abortion.

Technology has taken the toll of our morality,
But people say, this is what is called flexibility?

In totality, we can stoop to anything for leisure,
This is being referred to as an opportunistic culture.

The culture which delineates the life’s shortcut,
A society which believes in the notion of cost cut!

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Thought Which Questions!

I Was Just Thinking…

Black was never a problem,
The problem was darkness.

The light of Sun spreads all around,
But many are not even allowed to wake up.

The question is not about hungry people,
It is the grains which rot before their eyes.

Kites are flying in the sky,
The question is over whom?

The sky appears blue as usual,
But the rain has stains of blood.

Rule of law is above every citizen,
But we need a good lawyer to fight injustice.

Intellectuals and educated rule from the top,
Heinous crimes take place right at the bottom.

Power and Energy are synonymous,
But their manipulation makes it critical.

Voting is the best solution of a problem,
But money makes it appear otherwise!

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Cultures of Instinct

Lovely Cultures

When a bud turns into a flower it cultures fragrance,
When a girl becomes a mother she cultures inheritance.

When a river falls into the sea it cultures fertility,
When a child meets her mother he cultures security.

When litter decomposes in the soil it cultures humus,
When a teacher inspires his pupil they culture stimulus.

When an egg hatches out it cultures life,
When happiness turns into tears it cultures price.

When a honeybee visits a flower it cultures tradition,
When the heart beats for someone it cultures devotion.

When a tree bears fruit it cultures continuity,
When children shoulder their parents they culture responsibility.

When the sky turns dark it cultures rain,
When your faith deceives you it cultures pain.

When a pond dries out it cultures patience,
When we remember someone deeply we culture emotions.

When commitments are followed it cultures faith,
When eyes collide without any reason it cultures love…

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Divine Mother

Mother Teresa: The Mystique Mother

The pain and perils in life are present everywhere,
But the intellectual who feel it from inside are very rare.

Every mother invests her pearls of tear for her child’s care,
Thus, we never forget her blessings, which accompany us from very near.

A soul manifested itself into a physique,
Which was exceptionally unique?

Her conscience shook when she was only in her teens.
Right from the heart, her devotion and dedication was crystal clean.

She forgot her natives for the sake of needy,
She forgot her light for the welfare of night.

The darkness was deep, daunting and desperate,
But her resolve and zeal made her perfect.

The agony of destitute, deprived and boycotted had reached the brim,
But she donated herself before the situation turns grim.

She joined as a novice, but she left as an erudite.
She worked for the have-nots delight, to get them rid of their plight.

Her effort was always inspiring, that is why? She kept on perspiring.
Jesus was always with her rising. So, mother never thought of retiring.

The curator of poor and the destroyer of curse, rightly reached the zenith of peace,
The world was mourning and the sky was weeping, heavily, on her divine cease...!

Monday, January 17, 2011

The River Of Life

She Flows To Sustain

When the soothing zephyr knocks my window,
It awakes my soul from night’s shadow.

An agility which didn’t fade even in darkness,
Civilizations breathed for life in her freshness.

Candles floating on the surface of holy existence,
She has always been vital for human subsistence.

The blooming flowers along the banks,
The thirsty branches of higher ranks,

All mirrored in the heart of flow,
A reason enough for anyone to glow.

Recall your maiden meet, when she touched your tiny feet,
You laughed in innocence, dabbled your feet for another treat.

She flows to sustain, she runs to remain,
She rolls to rely, she moves to mesmerize.

She is waiting for me at other end of life,
I dream, to be with her, for the whole life.

The canvas of life spreads between birth and death,
The course of a river stretches between source and sink.

Yes, the banks of river never meet,
But her existence lies in the distance indeed.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The World is in Pain!

Kevin Carter: The Suffering Soul

He must have smiled when his magic wand created world,
But it took millions to understand his creative brand.

The brand which signifies his immaculate style,
Which is exceptional throughout the shining sky?

Evolution brought us to a level with a unique brain,
Are we really wise? As millions are suffering from pain.

Somewhere this evasive peace showers like rain,
But at the cost of millions of tears which comes out to stain.

Birds land there, where they find their prey,
Then, why people move on their own land like stray?

We preach ‘Service to mankind is Service to God’,
But the way, we treat minorities clearly depicts the fraud.

Those who irrigated their dreamland to their limit,
Were deprived of its fruits, besides debarring them to inhabit!

Evolution of mankind has reached a stage of retrogression,
Their vested interest has promoted them to a level of demotion.

Humanity is writhing in pain, in camps, slums and on streets,
Conscience is being bargained in the balance of greed.

Divided one is, since birth, in today’s world.
Global village, an innovative concept, but really hurts!

Help is offered under cloak of politics,
Heavens are made on the base of coffins.

Enough for this dying heart, can’t see anymore those grisly sights,
Though world is making rapid strides, future seems black and blind.

Creeping life, wreaking hell, heaven is too dear,
Imminent end, ravenous death, doom looks so near.

Helpless hands with shooting eyes, why am I alive? To see this plight!
                           Barren lands, forlorn path, bless them God or take me along……..!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Dream Girl

An Elusive Elegance

It clicked in time as it was destined,
Emotions provoked in the ambience, so pristine.

The vibrant breeze collided with her soft silk,
Unveiling a visage which was a perfect kill.

Such was the power of her mystique smile,
Even the spring will hesitate to come, for a while.
What to say about the depression on her chin?
I lost before I could think of a win.

So elegant was her gentle gait,
That I was bewildered to see her exceptional trait.

Walking on the carpet of spring petals,
She was shining like an aurum metal.

Hardly has she approached me when my face started gleaming,
And the clouds of umpteen aspirations began raining.

I closed my eyes to ward off every bad omen,
But it was a murky room with my eyes wide open.